Time Trials

Red Alert Challenge Maps

World Records

There are a variety of training maps out there, and here are listed the most popular with player records. I recommend them for learning hotkeys, improving click speed/accuracy and pushing your limits.

To qualify for this list, double binding hotkeys or any other method now outlawed is not allowed. This includes any times set during the brief period where it was allowed. And in general, cheating of any kind is not permitted.

Gold Medal Challenge

The original gold medal challenge map made by Funky. It was designed to teach new players how to reach a pro level in tanking. Upon completion of this map (with a gold medalist spectator to validate), a gold medal was issued to players. As the number of players who beat this map increased dramatically with indications of foul play, a new, slightly harder version 2.1 was created.

Gold Medal Challenge 2.1

Upgraded by Funky to be slightly harder by making a wall of Kennels which forces use of hotkeys to complete the challenge, along with facing enemy tanks diagonally below you (tanks shoot further upwards than downwards).

Test 2.5 

An upgraded version of the original Gold Medal Challenge, with more enemy tanks to kill. Arguably the best challenge map to practice your Q.
  1. ?
  2. ?
  3. ?
  4. ?
  5. ?

Test 2.5  (With Ukraine)

An upgraded version of the original Gold Medal Challenge, with more enemy tanks to kill. Arguably the best challenge map to practice your Q.
  1. Blitz (10:36) (Private vid)
  2. Milo234 (10:25) 
  3. ?
  4. ?
  5. ?
Diamond Medal Challenge

Identical to Test 2.5, except one is longer (I can't remember which right now).    
  1. RC1985 (13:02)
  2. Kronic (11:29)
  3. ?
  4. ?
  5. ?

Platinum Medal Challenge (with Q)

A good map to practice click accuracy at high speed, although GQ is now the preferred method for Max tanking.

Platinum Medal Challenge (with GQ)

It's easier to complete with GQ, but a faster time can be achieved with pure Q, as demonstrated by Blitz
  1. Blitz (12:54) (Private vid)
  2. Milo234 (10:32)
  3. Sik (10:22)
  4. N8Diaz (9:25)
  5. ?
  6. ?
Platinum Medal Challenge 2.1 (with Q)

The diagonal version of PMC, very hard to finish!

  1. Jacob (08:59)
  2. Blitz (07:53) (Private vid)
  3. ?
  4. ?
  5. ?

Platinum Medal Challenge 2.1 (with GQ)

I wonder if Q or GQ is the best way to complete this?
