Mistakes People Make and Their Consequences (At0m1's guide - N8Diaz edit)

Here, I've listed some common mistakes people make in Command and Conquer Red Alert and their consequences, along with brief suggestions for improvement. These mistakes may sometimes work, but if your opponent is skilled and playing strategically, these tactics are unlikely to succeed against true pros.

  1. Selling barracks on maps with a lot of money
    Consequence: You lose the ability to produce engineers and risk losing control of the battlefield.
    Solution: Keep the barracks and produce engineers as needed. If you must sell the barracks, ensure you have made an engineer first. Selling barracks is typically beneficial only on maps with limited cash.

  2. Building tesla coils with only one construction yard
    Consequence: You get outproduced if the opponent focuses on building war factories instead.
    Solution: Defend with tanks and infantry only.

  3. Building a depot too early
    Consequence: Same as above.
    Solution: Only build a depot if you are certain you're going to lose your construction yard, or the game goes beyond max war factories.

  4. Inefficient use of infantry
    Consequence: Poor rushes, losing tank battles, limited map visibility, and inability to control early battle locations.
    Solution: Group infantry and ensure they are where the action is. Scout effectively.

  5. Moving construction yards far away before deploying them
    Consequence: The player who deploys faster gains an advantage with pushing.
    Solution: Place early buildings to allow space for first construction yards near your base. Build a war factory in the back to quickly deploy new construction yards if needed.

  6. Building planes at the wrong time
    Consequence: The opponent can push forward while you build defenses against air attacks.
    Solution: Focus on winning ground battles first. Start building anti-air units early if you suspect the opponent will use planes.

  7. Parking and waiting with tanks
    Consequence: The opponent can build up their forces and attack.
    Solution: Actively engage in battles.

  8. Attacking too late
    Consequence: Same as above.
    Solution: Engage in battles actively.

  9. Playing too defensively
    Consequence: Early aircraft might be effective, but you risk losing control of the map and prolonging the game.
    Solution: Start fighting early and push forward.

  10. Attempting a power run too early
    Consequence: You may get pushed back if the opponent builds up defenses.
    Solution: Avoid overextending. Push slowly and secure your position.

  11. Building too many construction yards in a row
    Consequence: The opponent can take control of the map while you lack enough units to defend.
    Solution: Balance between pushing and defending with fewer construction yards and sufficient units.

  12. Building a large back base to prevent enemy chronoshift
    Consequence: Same as above.
    Solution: Push to kill the opponent early. Keep 20 tanks ready for defense rather than trying to block the entire base.

  13. Ineffective rush
    Consequence: If the opponent defends well, you lose easily.
    Solution: Focus on killing tanks and defenses first

  14. Pushing/attacking from the north
    Consequence: If the opponent defends well, you accomplish nothing.
    Solution: Push from the south.

  15. Spamming refineries at the wrong time
    Consequence: The opponent builds up strong defenses while you do nothing.
    Solution: Spamming refineries can be effective against weak defenses. Otherwise, fight with teslas and V2s.

  16. Spamming depots/airfields
    Consequence: Same as above.
    Solution:  It can be effective after sneaking into the opponent’s base or placing Tesla's behind to for defence. Usually, pushing with teslas and V2s is better.

  17. Not pushing V2s
    Consequence: Your war factories get blocked, V2s get destroyed, and opponents push closer to your base.
    Solution: Push with V2s.

  18. Not using the "Q" command (attack move)
    Consequence: Lose tanks and ultimately the game.
    Solution: Always remember to use the "Q" command.

  19. Not countering quickly
    Consequence: The opponent can build up their defenses and attack again.
    Solution: Counterattack as soon as possible.

  20. Poor building placement
    Consequence: Blocking your partner, losing buildings needlessly, and making it easy for the opponent to infiltrate.
    Solution: Plan your building placements carefully and coordinate with your partner.

  21. Focusing only on helicopters after losing construction yards
    Consequence: The opponent pushes, leaving your partner to fight 1v2.
    Solution: Secure the front line first and then rebuild war factories.

  22. Focusing only on cruisers after losing construction yards
    Consequence: Same as above.
    Solution: Same as above (rebuild yards instead of heli pads). Use cruisers if the front is well-secured.

  23. Building new construction yards too early
    Consequence: Risk early rushes and losing to flame attacks.
    Solution: Focus on tank production.

  24. Building new construction yards too late
    Consequence: You fall behind when others have many units.
    Solution: Start building new yards when you can't win with tanks alone.

  25. Attempting a rush when the opponent is close to your base
    Consequence: They can kill you faster than you can kill them.
    Solution: Defend and then counterattack.

  26. Chasing enemy tanks
    Consequence: Opponent can multitask and attack elsewhere.
    Solution: Engage the enemy before they reach your base. Attack with second group if possible or split your tanks. If you are building then multitask and tesla their front while defending with tanks..   

  27. Building too many stationary tesla coils
    Consequence: Easily targeted by V2s and MiGs.
    Solution: Multiple stationary teslas can be good vs Allies or refinery spam. Usually it's still better to push teslas forward and shift (hold shift key) them to kill enemy teslas.

  28. Spamming V2s/teslas without using them
    Consequence: Opponent destroys your units while you do nothing.
    Solution: Actively use your units.

  29. Not leaving room for ore
    Consequence: Severe resource issues.
    Solution: Always leave your team room for ore.

  30. Attempting bad infantry squish manoeuvres
    Consequence: Losing tanks.
    Solution: Focus on tank battles first and squish infantry when safe.

  31. Watching the base instead of the map
    Consequence: Getting surprised by enemy attacks.
    Solution: Stay aware of the entire map (periodically look at your mini map).

  32. Using flame towers too early
    Consequence: Easily countered if the opponent is attentive.
    Solution: Focus on dominating key areas with stronger units.

  33. Battling near your base
    Consequence: Losing crucial buildings.
    Solution: Engage the enemy away from your base.

  34. Trash talking
    Consequence: Losing respect and becoming isolated.
    Solution: Let your skills speak for themselves in the game.


These points are based on common mistakes and strategies that may not be fully accurate for every situation but can generally improve your gameplay. Always adapt and be ready to change your approach based on the specific circumstances of each game.
